Stewart Green Homepage :
A rational person in an Irrational World

over 600 pages about me Discovering Life !
Some links here dont work,
due to the way the old server was not case sensitive, and the new one is.
I have not got around to fixing them yet

2021 sill in the UK due to Covid
July 2016
back in the UK.. after 20 months in SE Asia LATEST UPDATES see SG on Facebook also
previously Malaysia, Batam, (East Asia 2015 Index 2015 Borneo (Sarawak, West Kalimantan, Sarawak, Sabah)

113+ Countries in 28 Years of Travel 600 pages - to understand you need to experience
My Latest Blog Travel Index Full List Of countries Travel Tips Funny Travel Stories


My Heroes things I like etc
They can inspire and entertain
If you can't experience it yourself them drama like Shakespeare can take you to that place
Play around .. not just watching TV sport
like documentaries on BBC, Radio 4, see radio page
like Beards, Dairy Brothers, Panda Head Curry
Satirical Comedy - Ties in books, radio, drama and thinking
Stop Buying
all that stuff you don't really need link
Getting to TRUTH - helps us makes better decisions to improve the world
Science & Skeptism Reasoning Ideas & Essays Humanism & Religion Climate Change
Stewart Green at the Mine in Chile Stewgreen teaching in korea photo, Stewart  Green, Stewart Richard Green, CV, Drama, Books,Travel, Scunthorpe, Cherub2, Stew  Green
Stew Green moving rice in Korea photo Stewgreen cutting rice in  Korea Stewgreen with a hornbill in KL photo
Stewart Green with Noona  in Korea Stew Green with a workers  statue in Russia Stewart Green in a KL Restaurant
Stew Green teaching in  Brazil
More : About Stew Green, more photos, Learning English - Material , HISTORY,
from 2005 MENU , Peacekam page, PC Tips, SEARCH
any problems or questions : just send me a msg thru Facebook
or send me a tweet

(I turned off the web form cos too much spam)
Black & White ..No we live in a Full Colour World
NO to Irrational Eco-Tithes

WALDEN brilliant ideas

from 1848

Planning Permission Windfalls
& Unearned Property Profits

Tax Them

Chemical Free Products
Win $1.5Million...

if you add to the list

to anyone who can show, evidence of any  paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event, under proper observing conditions

HELP Ban the killer chemical
The Government and Big Business conspire to  maintain it's use



Set up an ICE number
on your phone full details


My adverts
Culture of Peace
avoid violence
Tell the truth
Be Different
we will improve the world
$0 The amount of product I have bought after I saw it advertised on web
The world is bonkers !
... and most advertising is evil

my list of good drama
The World will be a better place
if you make it..
LATEST POSTS from 6 Blogs    
Travel Blog Archive Opinion Blog Archive
last update July 2012
- Pre 2005 Essays
Ideas Blog & RSS
Updates StewGreen on Facebook or StewGreen on Twitter, before they are archived here
...... NEXT Travel
- March-Aug Sabah in Borneo
East Asia Index
- Dec to March 3 months in Taiwan in search of better weather, and interesting life
- December 2014 : Bangkok
- Home Planning
- 755 Heritage Weekend
- Sept Week 2 :British Science Festival in Birmingham
- August Neolithic Monuments of Scotland
- Week 2-5 Neolithic Monuments of Brittany
- July, Week 1 Brussels to Brittany
- 750 2014 INDEX
Traveller's Homestay Network
The New Useful Info Blog (* May 2013)
- 12 new pages

THANKS If you find some useful info here then click to easily/safely send me a Paypal TIP

My REALITY CHECK Blog - intro
Most People have no idea what the world is really like.

- Oops these links got a bit untidy, I haven't updated them for 6 months ..There are actually 117 pages Full index here
- I usually write up my notes as essays, but it takes time

(I do try not to write about climate, but the Eco-warriors working in UK Newsmedia seek out stories that confirm their dogma so there is a constant wall of disinformation ..which means I check 2 stories a day & find basic errors, if I have time I post my debunking notes)

- 0 Top20 BS Issues

- Previous Blog Debunking Climate Scares (90 stories archived) (2004-2011)

NEXT PAGE More archived contents from the 6 blogs --->

Currently Reading : Gulliver's Travels - Swift
no time to read. I'm stuck in an internet black hole & never catching up
Just read Think Like A Freak by Freakonomics my notes
Being Annoyed by : media which bangs on about the same topic
- People who panic - just cope & deal with things
Current Campaign - Thinking "Literacy" for all ... " A computer for every school ?" No ! put a Critical Thinker in every school


LATEST NEWS : Same as always, no depth or perspective : just infotainment in the News Media - go read a book instead

What kind of people are we ?