From commercialism to hippy BS there is so much falseness..
Bollocks, bull, BS I like many things music, books etc, others are not to my taste , but the vast majority of stuff is bullshit - I like many things with imagination, but I don't like things which aren't reality being made out to be real like many mens accounts of their sex life.
- grey data i.e. material sourced from newspaper reports and activists is allowed to be included in the official IPCC reports
- I'm a bloody good liar, but actually I almost never lie I tell the truth all the time, but I think I must be a rarity.
Top 20 BS Issues
1a. The Need To Believe a - The human habit of refusing to accept uncertainty "I don't know" See about the The Need To Believe
| 1b. 2+2=6 joining the dots even when there is nothing there eg seeing the face of Jesus in the wallpaper, trying to fill in the gaps with religion, psychic world
| 2. Hoax world created by FAKE VALUES in society : building up false expectations that every person will have a nuclear family, there are no gay people, that everyone is fertile, that more education makes you more money and that brings more happiness, that sex with a virgin is good ... religion, paranormal etc. are all part of theis hoax world
| 3. Hoax world created by continual distortion in the media ..from love is so easy in movies , to capital city media celebrity stuff in newspapers MMR ..building false perspective from the way that media ignores some stories but bangs on about others, leading to , stranger danger
| Thinking error ... not accepting you can't prove a negative e.g. you can't prove Santa Claus of God doesn't exist
| Gamblers fallacy if a fair coin is tossed repeatedly and tails comes up a larger number of times than is expected, a gambler may incorrectly believe that this means that heads is more likely in future tosses
| large number confusion 1500 deaths in 50m people over 50 years as against a risk of 1 in 100 people dying per year, or that in really large sets of data bizarre coincidences happen.
| rushing to assume cause & effect versus unrelated coincidence or B causes A not A causes B.. related to 1. the brains habit of joining the dots to assume correlation means causation
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From commercialism to hippy BS there is so much falseness..
Black and White Thinking failure to accept complexity that we live in a full colour world..simplistic statements like "it's all about oil, now give me another beer"
| nationalism and that some countries are better that others , when in reality it's the rich people oppressing the poor
| "The Americans".. even if we accept they meant "US government" what about "The Russian", "The Chinese" governments ?
(there are no "the Americans, just 300 million individuals)
| large number confusion ..e.g MMR, nuclear, bird flu
| climate panic ..when the science is not clear
| windmills ..the maths doesn't work
| following the crowd, mob or herd mentality
| confirmation bias
| Bubble World There is only one reality, but there are many bubble worlds, people live in a bubble world with no true perspective on the real world
| Modern tricks.. like Cameron's talk of cuts which don't happen for 3 years, Ryanair stuff, reality TV, airbrushing, following the crowd, mob or herd mentality
| sport winner illusion ..your team will not win the cup ..why cos there are 30 teams so 29 will lose
| some irrational things & politics are like one Russian doll inside another, just when U think U understand a new backstory emerges
| Immediacy is the enemy of Truth These days press reports have to be written in 30 minutes, by the time people have thought it over & enlightenments evolved..the press has moved on
| Easier to be an ANTI than a constructor - Newspapers by nature are negative, protestors are anti everything - constructive positive solutions are more difficult
| 2 big words
- context - is the use right in this circumstance ?
- perspective - is it a big thing or a small thing ?
- The BS in society is closely linked to Common errors in reasoning : see my page about reasoning
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