Madeira 2013-2014 Index
I was on the island from Dec to end of June
- "I'd like to meet up with locals & CSers at meetups like the Sunday hikes or Mafia games. And chat about travel I am particularly interested to help people out with festivals etc. I have worked as Engineer/Teacher/Internet/Farming and festivals and many strange jobs"
..Finding a job didn't work out ..the island was in depression and since it's an island every boss can call on someone in his extended family they don't consider employing foreigners

(Before this see the - 693 UK 2013)
- 712 walked Around the outside of the island
- 713 Places in Madeira
- 714 People in Madeira
- 715 Exposing Telexfree scam
- 716 walking central island
- 717 More things around Madeira

NEXT - Brussels to do ancient sites of Brittany in France

LP map
My Opinions
Some opinions - In Cyprus they moan about a crisis yet live in big houses with big cars from easy money of selling Grandma's house or some government grant, Madeira seems the same. more when I write the essay

I explain the TelexFree Pyramid fever , part 2 with photos

I wrote the simplest explanation for how Funchal bus tickets work

Portuguese you already know mostly phonetic spelling

The Portuguese is not Brazilian style, so understanding local people is difficult
vowels all standard
oe as 'we' in "wet" oi as 'wee' in "weed" ou as 'oo' in "took"
"r" is pronounced h, "q" = k , ç = s, ch = sh, s =sh at end of word

g as 'su' in "pleasure" with e,i
gu as 'gee' in "geek" with gui, as
'ge' in "get" with gue
gua as 'gua' in "agua" [gwah]

8% seem to speak English
- Portuguese_phrasebook

Hello - Ola
Thanks - Obrigado (obrigada if you are a woman)
Excuse me/sorry - Desculp(e/a)
Good Morn/afternoon - Bom Dia, Boa Tarde

What is your name? Como se(te) chama(s)?
Yes. Sim. (seen) No. Não. (now)
examples :
cha - (sha) tea
largo = square
asucar = sugar

Numbers all obvious except for 16 dezesseis
.. which they swallow

100 = cem
1000 = mil
half = metade

quarto - room
com licenca = excuse me let me pass
- GOOGLE Translate Portuguese

Top Links
- main newsblog
Good Weather page
- FB Couchsurfing Madeira

Safer than most places, but beware crazy drivers on windy roads, and on the hills landfalls ad falling trees

* Accommodation not in guidebook

Due to costs being high & budget places not being listed in guidebooks or internet we maintain a list of budget places here
- check the WWOOF places
Also worth checking or '''Hostel type prices''' may be found through offers
CS page lists many freecamping places

Rationalist Connections

- rationalist : none
- Science - not much
- skeptic - NOTHING
- freethinkers - NOTHING
- secularist -
- Humanist - NOTHING
- brights - NOTHING

Funchal Tips

_ Don't throw your bhs ticket, cos it's RECHARGEABLE I explain
- There's budget hotels Astoria 10€ 965830582 they put 3 people together in a dorm (bike man also recommended restaurant in Pingo Doce market at 9pm for half price dinner and said 1 place dors Chinesa coffee for 50c big cafe
2 other hostels, €17 hotel, but bargain apt rental
- private €15 dorm surf hostel in Jardin Del Mar
- Across HALF the island the Madeira Youth Service has 5 Good value hostels in old Quintas, but not enough for full circuit, they really need 10+

- Cheap Internet - Free and libraries and youth centres, public wifi in town centres, & 60% of cafes .. why pay ?

- Funchal Bargains :
- see my cafe tips
- Bargain shops :
Funchal Car boot sales
- middle Sunday of month, in carpark next to Santa Luzia Park old sugar factory
car park, next to Jardim, 31, Rua de Janeiro - Funchal central
- last Sunday of month, in Casino carpark

1st & 3rd Sunday in S Martinho : Feria de Rabichos crochet market

- all Saturdays Fleamarket - load of rubbish mostly : Near Teleferico outside the Madeira Story Museum.
- Saturdays ? Art Market in Parque Municipal & Rua Das Pretas (stalls rotate position each week) Mercarte on FB..still running often
- free ads site for Madeira for 2nd had furniture, cars etc. :

ART : artist house Pedrasina the Foreign artists house in Funchal.. Their crowdfunding

- nearest thing to a anarchist art house Espaco 116, 116 Arts Events art warehouse centre is opening

Other Sources of Info : Libraries, newspapers etc
English libraries
- list of libraries

- Main English one is Quinta Magnolia ..further up hill from casino
- but other libraries and you offices have free internet PCs
- English Church has books for donations ..Free Coffee/ cake on Wednesdays

Checking English language newspapers
- The Brit Madeira
- themadeiratimes very slow, cos loads Filmon forum deadish .. changed now to
- MadeiraClassifieds stopped in 2012

Checking English language Radio - none ?

Funny - Check youtube Madeira dueling singing style called despeque

Mo Tu Wed Thu Fri 5 Sat Sun 7

Madeira HOT LINKS : Some useful stuff
- FCO Warnings for Madeira careful of slipping on mountain paths
- bogus websites taking bookings but not honouring ...websites padded with empty content
- madeira-live on Facebook..mostly advertising

- Funchal Events - no site found

- main newsblog
- Forum old
- CoworkFunchal on FB

Couch Surfing Forum (sometimes hidden on FB)
- Complainers are moving to only 1 member or forums are active
- Madeira.. The CS places button has Funchal, and Madeira takes you to the same page
- FB Couchsurfing Madeira
Check subgroups for province and sub sub for cities
- CS Wiki Closed down
- Instead Use Hitchwiki Madeira empty or from no page
wikivoyage Madeira some stuff
- LP Madeira no info .. Madeira LP Forum thorntree thorntree Forum not much
- CS camps can't find them anymore

Local Erasmus students group on FB

Best list on, alsoAconteceMadeira on Facebook
Diario de Noticias publishes coming events list check here for more info

Good events tips from a Funchal blogger Sundays car boot sale (middle Sunday) in Santa Luzia car park (6 stalls, not like UK, guess locals are too rich to buy secondhand)
............ (last Sunday) in Casino Carpark

Tourist office January Events ... tourist office on FB
.......February Events

- CS EVENTS : Saturdays : Mafia_Game at Phil's Haven
Normally we go for hike on Sundays... "We create the event here and/or in Facebook CS Madeira Islands group. "

History of Funchal Exhibition €€ until June 1 at Jesuits College, Praca da Camara

check groups for Cultural and languages exchange meeting ( CLEM ) NONE
- Facebook Chat English None
- Babel's meetups are NOT language lessons, we just meet, talk and have fun together while making new friends. - no group find
- Funchal UK Citizens stuff Not much mainly around English Church or U3A Wed Tea & Cake FREE 3pm, Sat 10.30-12.30 Coffee Morning

many hiking clubs
Want to Practice Portuguese ?
1. Portuguese Hikers clubpeslivres on FB -
- every 2 weeks , but costs €10+ each time

- ClubedeCampismoDaMadeira 12€. (socios €9.50 +€15/year)

- See library posters - It seems like Canico many towns are running these 'anda para saude' programmes once each month (Saturday the Canico group has 66 people going) ..also group in Camara de Lobos

Want to practice English ?
2. Madeira U3A Walking Group U usually the 1st Thursday of the month
Free, but they tend to do €10 lunches
Tip : they put their routes on the web, so you can steal their walks : go the week after by yourself and pay no money !

U3A = University of the third age is mostly British pensioners, but actually there is no rule about age, so anyone can go.
They have 7 other meetup groups too : like books, photography etc.

expat forums
New - looks good forum plus 8 special interest groups

- TA Madeira_Islands loads of posts
TA Madeira Forum the busiest forum
- TA Funchal travel guide is hidden away (not on the main Funchal page)
Useful cos already answers most of peoples questions that they post in the forum ...can't edit from Internet Explorer

- VT Madeira island ..some under province also
VT Madeira island Forum quite active
- VT Funchal Guide
VT Funchal Forum on VT (renamed TRAVEL ANSWERS)

dead :
- Portugal not Madeira
- No nothing for Madeira
- nothin
- NO
- No
- bits

JOBS (emprego)
Hi, English guy hanging out in Madeira, looking for live-in job.
Engineer & internet expert, but with wide variety of experience from farmwork to festivals, taught English in 7 countries. Super flexible Not afraid of work or dirt,  ..but not all artistic... and I don't work for mafia.

- It seems diffcult, much of the businesses are BS & jobs are found through knowing someone as jobs are not so often advertised
- Classified jobs job bid site CHECK
- Madeira Emprego on Facebook
- try OLX some jobs
- Madeira Gov job service only gives job number not details Sapo job listing site Portugal job tips
- Portugal Gov jobwebsite doesn't work in Madeira cos it's independent
- European jobsite EURES doesn't work in Madeira
- Manpower website But they don't operate in Madeira

- list of language schools not
- some beware only top of page is jobs rest is ads and most are people looking for work
- employment Agencies list not found

Gov employment Offices District Superiors:

Volunteer Jobs checked
- 4 Volunteer jobs

- WWOOF is an alternative to staying at a hostel You pay by working half the day on the organic farm. see my notes on 2 Madeira WWOOF farms .. Also below I list 2 unofficial ones

- Dutch pensioners & guard houses alstroemeria flowers.
@Ponta do Pargo Madeira 
houses, workaway link

another in Boca da Corrida
- "head for Estreito de Cãmara de Lobos... continue up towards Boca da Corrida ... to Forestry Guards House .. rough track with a sign 'Montado dos Aviceiros' 
- From listed in the first 4 above

VOLUNTEER check - but UK site has better search to filter out younger age projects

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